The 24 Values We All Share

Living in alignment with values helps build self-identity, well-being and ultimately happiness.  

The below list represents 24 values that as humans we all share in common - meaning each one of us possesses these values to a lessor or greater extent. No value is more or less important than the other. As individuals, as a family, or as a workplace, it is up to us to choose those that best capture who we are or what we value most.



I see, emotionally experience, and appreciate the beauty around me and the skill, knowledge and efforts of others.


I am courageous, and I face threats, challenges, difficulties, and pains, despite my doubts and fears using mental and moral strength.


I am creative and am capable of crafting ideas that result in something worthwhile for everyone.


I seek out situations where I gain new experiences without getting in my own or other people’s way.


I feel alive and full of energy, and approach life feeling activated, enthusiastic, ready and capable.


I treat everyone equally and fairly, and I give everyone the same chance to apply the same rules to everyone.


I act carefully and cautiously, looking to avoid unnecessary risks and planning with the future in mind.


I forgive others when they upset or behave badly towards me, and I use that information to better understand them and myself.


I am grateful for the things I have and I express that thankfulness to others that care about me. I do my best with what I am given.


I take responsibility for my actions. I am honest to myself and others and present myself and my reactions accurately to each person.


I am realistic and full of optimism about the future believing in my actions and feeling confident things will be positive.


I see my strengths and talents but remain humble, not seeking to be the centre of attention or to receive recognition or reward.


I approach life playfully, making others laugh, and finding humour in difficult and stressful times.


I weigh up all aspects objectively when making decisions, including arguments and situations that conflict with my viewpoint.


I am helpful and empathic and regularly do good for others without expecting anything in return.


I take charge and guide others to meaningful goals, and maintain good relations and outcomes among people.


I am motivated to possess new levels of knowledge and deepen my existing knowledge, skills and passions in a significant way.


I experience close, loving relationships that are formed by giving and receiving love, warmth, support and care.


I persist toward my goals despite all the obstacles, discouragements, setbacks or disappointments put in my way.


I give advice to others by considering different viewpoints and by using my own experiences and knowledge to see the big picture.


I believe in a greater sense of purpose and meaning in my life. I see my place in the world and find meaning and passion in everyday life.


I am capable of managing my feelings and actions and am disciplined and self-controlled to not hurt myself or others.

Social Intelligence

I am aware of and understand my feelings and thoughts, as well as the feelings and reactions of those around me.


I am helpful and contribute as part of a group and feel responsible for helping reach collective goals.